An Open Trial of a Comprehensive Anger Treatment Program on an Outpatient Sample

An Open Trial of a Comprehensive Anger Treatment Program on an Outpatient Sample

Authors: J. Ryan Fuller, Raymond DiGiuseppe, Siobhan O’Leary, Tina Fountain, and Colleen Lang


 This pilot study was designed to investigate the efficacy of a cognitive behavioral  treatment for anger. Twelve (5 men and 7 women) outpatient adults completed 2-hour group  sessions for 16 sessions. Participants were diagnosed with 29 Axis I and 34 Axis II disorders  with high rates of comorbidity. Empirically supported techniques of skills training, cognitive  restructuring, and relaxation were utilized. In this protocol, cognitive restructuring emphasized  the use of the ABC model to understand anger episodes and the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) techniques of disputing irrational beliefs and rehearsing rational coping  statements, but additional cognitive techniques were used, e.g., self-instructional training (SIT).  Skills training included problem-solving and assertiveness. Relaxation training was paced  respiration. Motivational interviewing, imaginal exposure with coping, and relapse prevention  were also included. Significant improvements were found from pre- to post-treatment on the  following measures: the Trait Anger Scale of the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-II  (STAXI-II; Spielberger, 1999) and Anger Disorder Scale (ADS; DiGiuseppe & Tafrate, 2004)  total scores; idiosyncratic anger measurements of situational intensity and symptom severity; and  the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II; Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996). In order to extend the  significant research findings of this pilot study, future investigations should involve larger  sample sizes, populations drawn from various settings, and contact control groups.

Anger Sequelae 

Frequent, intense, and enduring anger episodes as well as dysfunctional expression and  suppression are associated with impairment in a number of areas (e.g., social, vocational,  medical, etc.). Automobile accidents (Deffenbacher, Deffenbacher, & Lynch, 2003), homicide,  suicidal/parasuicidal behavior (Yesavage, 1983), child abuse (DiLillo, Tremblay, & Peterson,  2000), domestic violence (Dobash & Dobash, 1984) and substance use (Tafrate, Kassinove, &  Dundin, 2002), all cause mortality and are all associated with dysfunctional anger. Traditional  cardiovascular risk factors of hypertension (Dimsdale, Pierce, Schoenfeld, & Brown, 1986;  Helmers, Baker, O’Kelly, & Tobe, 2000), cardiovascular disease, visceral adipose tissue  (Raikkonen, Matthews, Kuller, Reiber, & Bunker, 1999), as well as physiological  markers/precursors of disease (Suarez, 2004), are also correlated with anger.  Expression/suppression patterns are linked to gastrointestinal problems, stroke, and some forms  of cancer (Williams, Paton, Siegler, Eigenbrodt, Nieto, et al., 2000). Pathological anger also  interferes with daily functions of decision-making (Leith & Baumeister, 1996) and interpersonal  cooperation (Kassinove, Owens, Roth, & Fuller, 2000). Given the severity and ubiquity of  anger’s sequelae, it should be viewed as a serious public health problem. The need for accurate  diagnosis and effective treatment cannot be overestimated. 

Anger Treatment 

Although the number of randomized controlled trials for anxiety and mood disorders far  exceed those for anger (DiGiuseppe & Tafrate, 2003; Deffenbacher, McNamara, Stark, &  Sabadell, 1990), some well-controlled studies have been conducted evaluating cognitive  behavioral interventions. The cognitive behavioral treatments with the greatest empirical support  include cognitive interventions (Deffenbacher, Dahlen, Lynch, Morris, & Gowensmith, 2000), skills training (Deffenbacher, 1998), relaxation (Deffenbacher, Huff, Lynch, Oetting, &  Salvatore, 2000), and formats representing different combinations of these (Deffenbacher, Filleti,  Lynch, Dahlen, & Oetting, 2002). These interventions have proven effective in several clinically  angry populations, including angry undergraduates (Deffenbacher, Thwaites, Wallace, &  Oetting, 1994), war veterans with PTSD (Chemtob, Novaco, Hamada, Gross, & Smith, 1997),  police officers (Sarason, Johnson, Berberich, & Siegel, 1979), inpatient adolescents (Feindler,  Ecton, Kingsley, & Dubey, 1986), and community volunteers (Novaco, 1975). However,  expanding research to more traditional populations, such as psychiatric outpatients, is warranted  (Deffenbacher et. al., Tafrate, Kassinove, & Dundin, 2002). 

Diagnostic Issues 

Treatment of clinical anger frequently challenges mental health practitioners in various  outpatient settings. Mental health professionals report treating anger disorders as often as  Generalized Anxiety Disorder, however, diagnostic confusion is common (Lachmund,  DiGiuseppe, & Fuller, 2005). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,  Fourth Edition-Text Revised (DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000) does not  include an exclusive anger diagnosis, but a variety of disorders that are associated with anger.  Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Paranoid and Borderline  Personality Disorders include anger as a diagnostic symptom, while the related constructs of  aggression, hostility, irritability, and resentment permeate the nosology, e.g., Generalized  Anxiety Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Depressive episodes (for children), and  Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder. To further complicate the issue, “anger attacks” have  been associated with Panic Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and Intermittent Explosive  Disorder, despite the absence of anger as a diagnostic specifier. Inaccurate diagnosis complicates case conceptualization and treatment planning, which could ultimately alter  prognoses. Diagnostic data have been largely unavailable in anger treatment studies. It is  unclear whether individuals seeking treatment for anger have diagnosable Axis I or Axis II  pathology, or if any present exclusively with anger.  

Perhaps more critical for patients seeking help are the practical financial issues that are  raised by diagnostic confusion. Lacking an Axis I diagnosis may prevent third party  reimbursement and in turn, preclude treatment for financially strained individuals. However,  even with diagnosis and reimbursement, clinicians may be challenged in their case formulation  and treatment planning without an understanding of anger. Therefore, conducting  comprehensive assessments of those seeking outpatient treatment for anger is a logical  preliminary step for this pilot study, as the current managed care environment has increased the  need to efficiently diagnose and treat this ill-defined clinical group. Further, a better  understanding of this group, (e.g., diagnostic characteristics), even while using a small sample,  may facilitate the provision of research funding for anger treatment studies, as many national  funding agencies require DSM-IV diagnoses. 

Fee-for-service Outpatient Treatment 

There is no scientific evidence indicating that clinicians outside of university or hospital  settings utilize empirically tested anger treatments. But perhaps more critical is whether research  is providing information on outcome and diagnosis for this specific group. To our knowledge,  only one descriptive analysis has been conducted on anger-disordered adult outpatients seeking  fee-for-service treatment (Grodnitzky & Tafrate, 2000). This study utilized exposure exclusively  as an intervention with a small group of court-mandated clients. Treatment analogue studies  have also been conducted in which specific mechanisms involved in therapy have been evaluated (e.g., Kassinove & Tafrate, 2004), but none of these involved formal diagnostic information or  included conventional psychotherapy as treatment. Unfortunately, few studies have evaluated  the efficacy of psychotherapy on treatment-seeking individuals from the community (Del  Vecchio & O’Leary, 2004). Given the high number of anger-disordered clients presenting for  treatment in private clinical settings (Lachmund, DiGiuseppe, & Fuller, 2005), it is important to  determine if cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is feasible and efficacious for adults seeking  fee-for-service treatment. It is also necessary to obtain diagnostic information on this population  to determine the similarities and differences among clinical populations and to understand the  impact of diagnostic information may have on third party reimbursement. 

Effect sizes in the treatment of angry adults range from medium to large (Del Vecchio &  O’Leary, 2004). Most of the evaluated treatments were conducted in 8 to 12 sessions lasting 75  minutes or less. The findings are promising, but the effect sizes are less than those for anxiety  and depression (DiGiuseppe & Tafrate, 2003). These findings are also based on fewer studies,  which suggests a need for continued treatment outcome trials. Most of these treatments are  conducted in 8 to 12 sessions lasting 75 minutes or less.  

It has been widely demonstrated that anger is detrimental to health and that many suffering  seek treatment (e.g., Helmers et al., 2000; Suarez, 2004). Novaco and Chemtob 2002) have also  indicated that people in the upper quartile of trait anger, who also suffer from PTSD, respond to  treatment. However, the anger levels and diagnoses of those seeking treatment for anger  problems in fee-for-service settings remain unclear, and it is unknown whether or not combined  treatments are as effective for this clinical population as they have been for undergraduates, war  veterans, police officers, and other groups.  

This pilot study tested the efficacy of 16 sessions of CBT, largely based on the work of Deffenbacher and McKay (2000) and clinical experience. A sample of individuals with anger  problems was treated in a fee-for-service outpatient psychotherapy clinic. This fee-for-service  sample was intended to represent the typical angry patients treated by mental health practitioners  in outpatient facilities.  

All patients received structured clinical interviews as an initial step in describing the  diagnostic characteristics of these patients. The treatment involved patients confronting anger  provocations with new adaptive behaviors and using avoidance/escape strategies sparingly. As  suggested by Deffenbacher (2000), session length and the number of sessions were increased in order to maximize the treatment dose in hopes of improving the efficacy and viability (attrition  and satisfaction) of the protocol.  

It was hypothesized that the function of treatment over outcome would be such that while the  frequency of anger provocations or situations remained constant, the frequencies of physiological  anger symptoms would decrease. Specifically, we expected that anger experience, as measured  by the Trait Anger Scale (TAS) of the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-II (STAXI-II;  Spielberger, 1999) and the Anger Disorders Scale (ADS; DiGiuseppe & Tafrate, 2004) total  scores, idiosyncratic anger duration, severity, and life interference would decrease. In  accordance with past anger research with college students, we also expected a decrease in  depressive symptoms, as measured by the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II; Beck, Steer, &  Brown, 1996).)  



Twelve outpatients (5 men and 7 women), completed treatment. The average age was 40  (SD =15.37) and the average years of education was 16.52 (SD = 2.57). 

Inclusionary Criteria. Given that there are no formal anger diagnoses, convention has  identified angry adults as those who score at or above the 75th percentile on the Trait Anger Scale  (TAS) of the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-II (STAXI-II; Spielberger, 1999),  acknowledge a personal problem with anger, and are willing to seek treatment (Deffenbacher et  al., 1994). Participants in this study were self-identified as having anger problems and requested  treatment. Most other well-controlled studies of clinically angry undergraduates (Deffenbacher  et al., 1994) used these two inclusion criteria. Initially, criteria included the 75th percentile on  the TAS; however, once a number of participants with subthreshold scores appeared to be  significantly disturbed by anger, this criterion was eliminated for clinical reasons. Clinically we  determined it was sensible for them to be considered anger disordered regardless of the  conventional but arbitrary 75th percentile threshold. In fact, 4 of the participants treated in this  study scored slightly below this percentile. Based on information collected during the clinical  interview and idiosyncratic anger forms, clinical judgments upon consultation between the  interviewer and the first author resulted in the inclusion of individuals for which anger was the  primary cause of distress and functional impairment.  


Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-1. All participants received the Structured  Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Diagnosis (SCID-1; First, Spitzer, Gibbon, & Williams, 2002) to  diagnose Axis I disorders. This semi-structured interview is an instrument used to diagnose  anxiety, mood, substance/alcohol abuse and dependence, psychotic, and eating disorders. The  SCID-1 has adequate reliability (First, et al). A Master’s level clinician with NIMH SCID  certification conducted these interviews. Although she was unaware of the study’s hypotheses at  the time of assessment, she was aware of the inclusionary criteria, and later co-led one of the two treatment groups.  

Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV–II. All participants received the Structured  Clinical Interview-II for DSM-IV Diagnosis (SCID-II; First, Gibbon, Spitzer, Williams, &  Benjamin, 1997) to diagnose Axis II disorders. Participants first received the SCID-II Questionnaire, which screens for potential diagnoses followed by the SCID-II interview for  indicated diagnoses. Test-retest reliability has been demonstrated to be in the good to excellent  ranges for the SCID-II. 

Trait Anger Scale. The TAS is one of three primary scales of the STAXI-II (Spielberger,  1999). It was used to determine the overall level of anger in participants as well as to determine  treatment efficacy from pre- to post- treatment. The TAS is a self-report measure that consists of  10 Likert items. This scale is considered to have excellent psychometric properties; the  standardization yielded good internal reliability, with alpha coefficients of .78 to .89 in the  normative sample (Spielberger).  

Anger Disorders Scale. The ADS (DiGiuseppe & Tafrate, 2004) is a 74-item, Likert  scale designed to assess dysfunctional anger. It consists of 18 subscales distributed across five  domains of anger experience: provocation, arousal, cognition, motive, and behavior. For  example, the ADS Behavioral Domain subscales include several forms of aggressive behavior,  e.g. passive, verbal, indirect, physical, vengeance, and relational. The ADS total score (W) was  used as an outcome measure. This subscale has adequate reliability and validity (DiGiuseppe &  Tafrate). 

Anger Situation Form. Deffenbacher and McKay (2000) developed this form to assess  ideographic components of anger for each patient. The form includes a place for patients to  describe an “ongoing” anger activating event. After the narrative description, four questions are asked about the intensity, frequency, and duration of the anger episode as well as the degree to  which the anger interfered with the patient’s life. The intensity and interference are reported on  100-point scales, frequency is asked in terms of times per month, and duration is indicated in  minutes. 

Anger Symptom Form. This form, also developed by Deffenbacher and McKay (2000),  assesses information that may be unique to the experience of each individual. Patients identify  the physiological symptom that they most frequently experience when angry. Patients then rate  the severity, frequency, duration, and life interference of the symptom. 

Beck Depression Inventory-II. The BDI-II (Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996) is a 21-item  Likert scale measure of depressive symptoms. Scores from 13-19 indicate mild symptoms.  Scores from 20-28 represent moderate symptoms, and scores of 29 and above indicate severe  symptomatology. Internal reliability has been demonstrated with student samples (.92) and  psychiatric samples (.93; Beck et. al.). Convergent and discriminant validity has also been  demonstrated with this instrument, in that it correlates more strongly with other depression  measures than with anxiety measures (Beck et. al). 

Working Alliance Inventory. The WAI (WAI; Horvath & Greenberg, 1989) measures  therapeutic alliance. Each of three subscales consists of 12 seven-point Likert items. The  subscales are goal agreement, agreement on the tasks of therapy, and the client-clinician bond.  Higher scores indicate client perception of a stronger therapeutic bond. For each subscale and  for the total score, an average item score was calculated. All of the items were summed and then  divided by the number of items in the subscale. The resulting scores ranged from 1 to 7. 

Outcome Questionnaire. The Outcome Questionnaire (OQ; Lambert et al., 1996) is a 45- item self-report scale that measures current symptom distress, interpersonal relations, and social role congruence. The OQ utilizes a five-point Likert scale, which indicates how frequently the  individual thinks, feels, or behaves in a particular way. For each scale of the OQ, higher scores  are indicative of higher levels of disturbance. Lambert and colleagues report test-retest  reliabilities that range from .78 to .84 and internal consistencies that range from .70 to .93.  Procedure 

Recruitment. Participants were either clinician-referred or responded to two print  advertisements, which appeared one time in two different newspapers, advertising affordable  treatment of anger problems for qualifying individuals willing to participate in a research study. 

Screening. The initial contact was conducted by telephone. A semi-structured intake  provided information about the treatment and assessment procedures to potential clients. The  type of treatments utilized and the nature of manualized treatment were explained and questions  by the potential participants were addressed. Fees and reimbursement were also explained.  Interested individuals were then scheduled for a two-part intake process. An informed consent  form and a self-report questionnaire battery were completed during a 60-90 minute appointment.  Active psychosis or group inappropriate clients were excluded from the trial and referred for  appropriate individual treatment. One self-referred participant was identified during the initial  contact as actively psychotic and one other client was diagnosed as depressed but reported  minimal anger symptoms. Remaining participants were scheduled for the structured clinical  interviews and anger symptom measures to determine anger-related functional impairment and  distress. Clinical consensus was reached between the interviewer and the first author based upon  the structured interview and self-report questionnaires to determine when anger was the primary  cause of functional impairment and/or distress. 

 Fees and Reimbursement. Participants paid a fee typical for outpatient group therapy in the New York City Metropolitan area. Participants were reimbursed 25% of the total cost for  perfect attendance and 19% for attending 15 of 16 sessions. No reimbursement was given to  clients with two or more absences. Two special cases required reduced rates during treatment  based on unexpected financial constraints.  

Treatment. Treatment consisted of 16 2-hour sessions of a cognitive-behaviorally based  anger management program. Two groups of 6 to 8 participants received treatment from a  doctoral level therapist and were co-led by a Master’s level clinical fellow enrolled in a doctoral  psychology program. A fidelity checklist was closely followed. It included didactic and Socratic  methods of instruction as well as exercises completed during the session to increase skill  acquisition. Guidelines for homework to be assigned for each of the 16 sessions were also  standardized for all group members. Co-leaders completed the fidelity checklist during each  session to ensure that treatment integrity was maintained.  

Summary of Treatment. Session 1 addressed the goals of the program, focusing on harm  reduction, a decrease in the intensity, frequency and duration of problematic behaviors and  emotions, and learning to tolerate uncomfortable emotional states. The relationship between  emotion and behavior was explained and the participants were oriented to begin monitoring and  recording relevant episodes. Session 2 focused on identifying common risk factors and triggers  for anger, inhibiting anger responses, and consequential analyses of anger behaviors. Session 3  included an introduction to the ABC model of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and  the causal relationship between cognition and emotional/behavioral consequences. Session 4  centered on assertiveness training, and Session 5 was a review of interventions covered thus far.  Session 6 covered diaphragmatic breathing techniques, Session 7 focused on cognitive coping,  according to REBT theory (i.e., use of disputations and development and rehearsal of rational statements) and self-instructional training (SIT), and Session 8 presented problem-solving  skills. Session 9 focused on formalizing plans to address anger, both regularly and when faced  unexpectedly with a trigger. Sessions 10 through 14 employed the techniques of imaginal  exposure and coping, key components of the intervention. During imaginal exposure, group  members were asked to close their eyes, imagine an event that typically triggers anger and get in  touch with the associated feeling. They then reported subjective units of distress (SUDS) ratings  and were guided in use of coping strategies to modulate anger. Session 15 addressed relapse  prevention issues and Session 16 focused on planning for the future. It is important to note that  previously covered topics were frequently reviewed, adaptive responses were reinforced, and  homework was assigned for each session.  


Therapeutic alliance was rated highly, based on Goal Agreement (M = 6.15, SD = .06),  Task Agreement (M = 6.10, SD = .59), Therapeutic Bond (M = 6.16, SD = .53), and Total  Alliance (M = 6.13, SD = .54) scores on the WAI. Scores above 4.5 indicate alliance adequate  for effective treatment. Attendance rates (88%) were high and attrition was low. Three  participants failed to complete treatment. The first failed to return after the first session. A  discussion with this participant suggested that it might have resulted from the therapist’s  explanation of mandated child abuse reporting, which was addressed in the initial session. We  transferred the second participant to individual therapy because he displayed inappropriate  behaviors that were disruptive to other group participants during the first two sessions. The third  participant reported improvements, but subsequently failed to attend and did not return any  phone calls.

Post-treatment data were not available for these clients; therefore their data were not utilized in the post-treatment analyses. Homework compliance was also high (M = 4.28,  SD = .52) with scores ranging from 1 to 5 (1 = none, 2 = partial, 3 = some, 4 = most, 5 = all). Pre-treatment outcome measures were correlated to determine significant associations  among measures (Table 1) at p < .05. Four significant correlations were found. Anger  Symptom-Duration score was correlated with Anger Situation-Duration and Anger Situation Frequency scores. ADS total and Anger Symptom-Severity score were both correlated with the  BDI-II score. Therefore, measures were analyzed separately and not collapsed. Functional impairment of the participants was illustrated by a measure of global  functioning (Outcome Questionnaire 45v.2), DSM-IV Axis I and Axis II diagnoses, and Global  Assessment of Functioning (M = 54.67, SD = 12.06). The OQ total score (M = 91.83, SD =  28.30) was higher than the clinical threshold for outpatients (M = 67.00). Ten of the twelve  participants presented with OQ Total scores in the clinical range. OQ Symptom (M = 49.92, SD = 16.71), Social Role (M = 17.92, SD = 5.58), and Interpersonal Relations (M = 24.00, SD =  7.25) scores also fell within the clinical range for outpatients. 

Numerous Axis I and II disorders existed in this sample; also, there was a high rate of  comorbidity. A total of 29 current Axis I diagnoses existed in this sample of 12 individuals.  PTSD was the most common Axis I disorder; 5 participants received this diagnosis. Social  Phobia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Major Depressive Disorder were currently present in  4 participants. 

Thirty four personality disorders were shared among 11 of the 12 members. Borderline  Personality Disorder (BPD) is the only personality disorder that includes anger specifically as a  symptom. However, Obsessive-Compulsive was as common as BPD in this sample (4 out of 12 participants). Passive-Aggressive (7 participants) and Depressive (6 participants) Personality  Disorders were even more prevalent.  

T-tests were conducted on outcome measures to evaluate effects of treatment. Given the  directional nature of all hypotheses, one-tailed tests were used. Eight of 11 outcome variables  would have been significant at the .05 level if uncorrected (Table 2). However, to reduce  experimentwise error, a Bonferroni correction was used with an adjusted alpha of .0091. At this  level, five significant differences were found. Cohen’s d was used to represent effect sizes,  which were calculated by dividing pre-treatment/post-treatment differences by pooled standard  deviations. We determined whether the improvement reached clinically significant change based  on Jacobson and Truax’s (1991) methods. For the A calculation method, a clinically meaningful  difference was determined with a two-standard deviation change from pre-treatment, and the  reliable change index (RCI), a gauge of change compared to the standard error (SE). 

T-tests indicated significant changes in Trait Anger Scale T-scores from pre- (M = 67.67,  SD = 10.58) to post-treatment (M = 57.17, SD = 8.24), t (11) = 3.22, p < .01 (d = 1.12). ADS  total score also changed significantly (M = 76.08, SD = 14.02, pre vs. M = 60.33, SD = 7.37,  post), t (11) = 4.02, p < .01 (d = 1.47). Depressive symptoms, as represented by the BDI-II  score, decreased from pre- (M = 25.33, SD = 12.34) to post-treatment (M = 9.45, SD = 8.20), t (11) = 4.80, p < .01 (d = 1.55). Effect sizes for all three of these nomothetic scales were large.  Clinical significance classified patients into four categories: deteriorated, unchanged, improved,  and recovered. The majority of patients received classifications of improved or recovered on the  TAS (frequency of 10 out of 12 participants), BDI (11 out of 12), and ADS scores (11 out of 12)  with the vast majority of those categorized as improved. Anger Situation-Intensity (pre- M = 85.42, SD = 13.89 vs. post-test M = 37.50, SD =  27.09), t (11) = 5.20, p < .01 (d = 2.39) and Anger Symptom-Severity (M = 69.17, SD = 27.87  vs. M = 30.58, SD = 27.64), t (11) = 4.16, p < .01 (d = 1.39) scores were both significantly  reduced. However, the other subscale scores of these idiosyncratic forms did not reach statistical  significance.  


Sample Characteristics 

This pilot sample represents a close approximation of how Tafrate, Kassinove and  Dundin (2002) describe a traditionally defined clinical sample (i.e., adults seeking outpatient  services). Evaluating the efficacy of anger treatment for this clinical group has been identified as  a major goal of anger research (Del Vecchio & O’Leary, 2004). Conclusions drawn regarding  the diagnostic frequencies that emerged should be interpreted with caution. Although it is  impossible to extrapolate from such a small sample, this pilot sample of outpatients seeking  treatment had high rates of Axis I and II comorbidities with heterogeneous presentations.  Interestingly, Axis II diagnoses were more common than Axis I diagnoses. It is important to  note that Passive-Aggressive and Depressive Personality Disorders were the two most common  diagnoses overall and were diagnosed in over half of the participants. These two personality  disorders, included for further study in the DSM-IV-TR Appendix B, may join PTSD,  Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED), BPD, MDD,  GAD, and Social Phobia as diagnoses of great interest to anger researchers. 

Format and Satisfaction  

The participants reported high satisfaction with the treatment. We believe that this in  large part due to the format. Extending the number and length of sessions allowed ample time to process problems presented during homework review, address resistance, and enable group  members to assist one another. It allowed for more clinician-patient contact, and possibly more  importantly, for more interpersonal exchanges among group members (Yalom, 1985). We  believe these interactions are therapeutic for both the patient presenting the problem and the  patient suggesting coping strategies. The format also facilitated a high level of rapport among  group members, which may have contributed to high attendance rates. In fact, the majority of  group members reported disappointment when the group was coming to an end, and requested  that therapy continue or that the therapists provide regular booster sessions or a reunion.


The combined treatment of this pilot study utilized empirically proven techniques of  skills training, relaxation, and cognitive restructuring. However, unlike any anger efficacy trials  of which we are familiar, throughout the 16 sessions, we provided motivational enhancement.  Emphasis was placed upon on building motivation (e.g., tension building and Socratic dialogue),  hedonic calculus, consequential thinking, discussion of physiological changes and health  consequences. Cognitive restructuring was based upon the ABC model, core beliefs, and REBT  disputations, although other cognitive behavioral techniques included self-instructional training,  rule-governed behavior and behavioral activation. The rationale for using REBT disputation and  relaxation techniques was that they are both learned quickly and can be easily utilized in a  variety of settings without ongoing professional contact, making them suitable for time-limited  psychotherapy. 


Overall, many patients experienced a reduction of psychiatric symptoms. However, some  individuals responded more favorably than others. In terms of treatment outcome, general anger experience (TAS), as well as a global measure of anger (ADS Total), including revenge,  anger-in, and reactivity-expression significantly decreased from pre- to post-treatment. In  addition, the effect sizes for these two measures were large and closely approximated those in  previous studies (DiGiuseppe &Tafrate, 2003). Most important were the clinically meaningful  changes. Ten and eleven (respectively) of the twelve patients were either in the improved or  fully recovered range on these general measures of anger. 

No change was expected in the frequency of contact with anger triggers. The patients and  clinician collaborated to determine when avoidance of triggers was ultimately maladaptive. Once  the participants developed coping strategies, they were encouraged to refrain from avoidance and  escape behaviors. The data indicated that patients were able to put this into practice with their most frequent idiosyncratic triggers. They could refrain from avoiding anger provoking  situations while still experiencing significant decreases in the emotional intensity and  physiological arousal previously associated with these triggers. Our clinical experience indicates  this change may prevent future relapse by decreasing the avoidance-rumination cycle, so  commonly observed in our patients. So often, patient report illustrates that a disproportionate  response to a seemingly innocuous trigger is really just the straw that broke the camel’s back.  Without adequate emotion regulation, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills these patients are  at the mercy of rumination. Eventually their frustration threshold is reached and the dam breaks. 

Outcomes on the idiosyncratic measures were variable. Severity of physiological arousal  and intensity of anger experience did decrease significantly. Even though the duration of the  anger experience was cut in half, there was no significant decrease for experience of arousal  duration or life interference. Low power and high variability may explain these insignificant  differences. But, as our understanding of the physiological mechanisms of physical diseases associated with anger become more clear (Matthews, 2005), it is critical that the duration of  anger experience and arousal are adequately addressed by treatment. More effective treatments  or increasing treatment length may be necessary for this particular population, which may have  more intractable symptoms than other samples studied. Further treatment development and  evaluation is necessary to adequately help this clinical population. 

Treatment effects did generalize to depressive symptoms. Pre- to post-treatment scores  decreased significantly, with the mean moving from moderate to minimal depression symptoms,  with a large effect size. In addition, 92% reached clinically meaningful change in the improved  or recovered category on the depression measure. Had we expected so many diagnosed cases of  Major Depressive Disorder and such large changes in depressive symptomology, we would have  administered the MDD module of the SCID at post-treatment. 


The following improvements for strengthening the findings of this pilot study are  suggested for future research: larger sample size, inclusion of a treatment control group,  independent coding of fidelity, utilization of objective physiological/behavioral measures, and  administration of treatment by different therapists. Despite these important limitations, this  study provided preliminary diagnostic information about a poorly understood population. It  investigated whether angry outpatients in a community clinic respond to treatment in similar  ways to other clinical populations. It is critical to note that effective anger treatment still needs  to be further developed for this clinical sample and evaluated for clinical populations that this  pilot study did not address, e.g., low SES and the domestically violent. It is also important that  follow-up data are collected to ensure lasting treatment effects.

Future Directions 

Although anger research has lagged behind studies on anxiety and depression, this body  of literature continues to expand. Future treatment research should continue to examine clinical  samples in university counseling centers, institutional settings (e.g., penitentiaries, V.A.  hospitals), and outpatient community clinics. Although no broad or definitive conclusions can  be drawn from this small sample, the diagnostic assessment of individuals who are experiencing  anger related problems is certainly a clear area for further research. Adding comprehensive  diagnostic assessments to these treatment trials will help scientists clarify the nature of anger  disorders, as well as identify subpopulations within the larger clinical population. In addition, if  younger cohorts are properly diagnosed, longitudinal studies may elucidate the pathological  development of anger over time. Other treatments that have not been adequately tested on  clinical anger are pharmacotherapy, exercise, yoga and mindfulness. Given their role in  managing mood disorders, it seems important to explore these possibilities alone and in  conjunction with existing anger interventions. 

Considering anger’s association with numerous health conditions, it is important to  further investigate if it has a causal role in the development, maintenance and/or progression of  these diseases. Anger treatments may be important recommendations for high anger patients  who are at-risk or who have been diagnosed with some cancers, cardiac problems, diabetes  mellitus, obesity, or other health related problems. The comorbidity, causality, and treatment of  anger and its effects on health problems like heart disease and obesity is an area in desperate  need of study. Along with treatment, prevention is another area that anger research has yet to  investigate. Even though anger is a normal and sometimes healthy part of life, we should not  assume that pathological anger we see clinically cannot be prevented in some cases. In summary, innovative treatment development, prevention, longitudinal studies, and  multi-site randomized-controlled trials (RCT’s) are warranted given the pernicious effects of  anger sequelae and our current treatment effect sizes (Butler, Chapman, Forman, & Beck, 2006)  to address this serious public health problem.


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